MTS Announces EMERGE: A program supporting our Future Leaders in Marine Technology
MTS Announces EMERGE: A program supporting our Future Leaders in Marine Technology
MTS Announces EMERGE: A program supporting our Future Leaders in Marine Technology
There are four positions open for the 2022 MTS Board Elections: President-Elect, Vice President of Early Career Ocean Professionals, Vice President of Education, Vice President of Government and Public Affairs. MTS members may nominate candidates for the open positions through 11:59 p.m. EST on June 15, 2022.
The series kicked off with a focus on “Shipping Decarbonization” on March 30 from 11 am – 12 pm (EDT), featuring Andrew Moffat, Office of Global Change, U.S. Department of State; Natalia Mykhalova, Co-founder and CEO of WeavAir; and David Cummins, President of the Blue Sky Maritime Coalition. Dain Dunston once again emceed the webcast.
More than 400 people attended the Oceans In Action/Port Security Summit this month at the Mississippi Gulf Coast Convention Center. In its 11th year and co-hosted by the MTS Gulf Coast Section and the Mississippi Enterprise for Technology (MSET), the event focused on the use of new technologies to improve various maritime missions. Highlights of the event included presentations by local Navy and NOAA offices, including senior leaders Rear Admiral Ron Piret, USN and Rear Admiral Chad Cary from NOAA. In addition, there were presentations on state and academic programs, tech talks, and videos from Mississippi legislators supporting the state’s efforts in the Blue Economy. |
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, have opened the 2022-2024 Application Cycle, the Environmental Protection and Stewardship track goal focuses on advancing scientific knowledge and its application to predict and prepare for ecosystem changes in the Gulf of Mexico and its coastal zones as the region navigates a changing climate and energy transition. The Gulf Research Program’s Early-Career Research Fellowship supports emerging scientific leaders by providing relatively unrestricted funds as they take risks on research ideas not yet tested, pursue unique collaborations, and build a network of colleagues who share their interest in improving the well-being of the Gulf of Mexico region.
Fellowship Benefits: An award of $76,000 is paid to each fellow’s institution in the form of a two-year grant. Funds cannot be used on institutional overhead or indirect charges. Research funding: $75,000 is available for the fellow to use for research-related expenses, including equipment purchases, professional travel, professional development courses, trainee support, salary, or any other costs directly related to the fellow’s research. Mentor honorarium: The remaining $1,000 of the award serves as an honorarium for a mentor. Applicants must identify a senior-level researcher at their affiliated institution willing to serve as a career mentor.
Applications must be submitted by 5:00 PM ET May 4, 2022
This entertaining and educational podcast covers a broad range of topics and features a leading line-up of industry experts as guests. Delia Warren and Jeff Tingley from Xodus discuss offshore renewables and the essential skillset needed for the future windfarm workforce. |
On March 23, three early career ocean professionals discussed how ECOPs can held diversify the marine technology workforce during the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion webinar. Ashley Ashley Peiffer, who works in diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility across the Integrated Ocean Observing System’s (IOOS); Isabella B. Arzeno who is a postdoctoral scholar in the Coastal Dynamics Lab at the University of California, Irvine; and Itzel Rodriguez, who is a graduate from Texas A&M University and graduate student working on side scan sonars and bathymetric maps with the search and rescue robot EMILY, spoke with webinars attendees about the ways they can actively promote equity and inclusion within their workplace. Watch a recording of the event HERE. |
I’m honored and humbled to share my first notes with you as executive director of our Society. As I’ve settled in the past few weeks, I’m grateful for the warm welcome from so many of our members, staff, partners, and board. You’ve shared encouragement, suggestions on what MTS can do better, invitations to events, and highlights of your section, committee, and individual accomplishments—I’m impressed!