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Marine Technology Society Journal (MTSJ)

The Marine Technology Society Journal is the flagship publication of the Marine Technology Society. It publishes the highest caliber, peer-reviewed papers, four times a year, on subjects of interest to the society: marine technology, ocean science, marine policy, and education. The Marine Technology Society has published the MTS Journal under its current title since 1969.

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Current Edition

September 2024 | Volume 58 | Number 3
Click here to view the current issue

Cover of Journal

Announcement: MTS Journal Best Paper Award

The MTS Journal is pleased to announce the creation of an annual best paper award. Beginning in 2025, the winner of the award will be announced each September along with the other MTS annual awards. All Technical Articles and Systematic Reviews/Syntheses will be eligible for consideration. We look forward to seeing your work! 

Current and Archived Issues

MTS Members can access the current issue and all archived issues (Volumes 33-present) via Ingenta.

Please login to the Members section of the website to access this content.
MTS Member access to current and archived issues

Non-MTS Members can access the MTSJ archived issues 13 months and older.
Non-Member access archived issues 13 months and older

Manuscript Submission

The Marine Technology Society Journal publishes the following categories of submissions:

  • Technical Article
  • Technical Note
  • Systematic Review or Synthesis
  • Commentary
  • Book Review

For questions, comments, or requests, please contact Kacey Beddoes, Managing Editor. 

Manuscript Submission Instructions

Current Call for Papers

Spring 2025 MTS Journal - Mapping the Ocean - Closing the Gaps. Manuscript deadline: November 29, 2024. LEARN MORE >>>


The Marine Technology Society has recently transitioned to online-only Journal access. The current Volume is available to MTS members and subscribers only. Prior years are available Open Access via Ingenta. Learn more about MTS Journal Subscriptions.

Members: An online subscription to the MTS Journal is a benefit of individual membership in the Marine Technology Society.

Institutions: The MTS Journal is available to institutional subscribers in online format. Digital subscriptions (including archived online Journal issues) are priced at US$488.

Self Printing

MTS made the decision in 2023 to no longer offer any print versions of the MTSJ. If you would like to have a printed version of an issue of the MTSJ we suggest using a self-printing service such as Lulu


The MTS Journal (Print ISSN 0025-3324) is published four times a year by the Marine Technology Society.

No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, except as permitted under section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the publisher or authorization through:

Copyright Clearance Center
222 Rosewood Drive
Danvers, MA 01923
Tel: (978)750-8400
Fax: (978) 750-4470

Editorial Board

Learn more about the MTSJ Editorial Board.


While we no longer offer advertising in the Journal, information about advertising with MTS can be found here