
Opportunities for Students

Student members of the Marine Technology Society have access to opportunities for academic and career advancement through participation in Student Sections, scholarships, leadership opportunities, mentoring, networking, summer camps, and more! Student memberships cost $25 a year.

For more information about membership, or if you want help signing up for membership, contact the membership team at [email protected] or call 202-827-7172.

Looking for information on internships, volunteer opportunities, summer opportunities, and other career development information? Check out the Resources offered by Sea Grant for additional information.

Join the Marine Technology Society

Current Opportunities

Ocean Exchange Collegiate Call for Solutions 2024

The Ocean Exchange Collegiate Award, and the Guy Harvey Foundation Collegiate Award 2024, of $10,000 USD each, are given to the solutions that advance our understanding of the ocean and help minimize our impact on these resources, even while using them for human benefit, resulting in more resilient bodies of water including healthy marine life and coastlines. 

Deadline for Entries: Monday, September 24, 2024 | 11:59pm, GMT


Ongoing Opportunities 

Student Sections

Find, join, or start a Student Section. MTS offers Student Sections extensive benefits. Sections only need eight students and a faculty advisor to get started. Learn about Student Sections


Each year, MTS awards a significant amount of scholarship money to full-time undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in marine studies programs. Learn more about MTS Marine Studies Scholarships

MTS is also offering the Emerging Leaders in Marine Technology Program (EMERGE) designed to give undergraduate and graduate students as well as early career ocean professionals (ECOPs) a guided program to enhance their professional development and networking experience at OCEANS Conferences.

Student Poster Competition

Students can develop presentation skills and present research during the Poster Sessions at the OCEANS conferences. Learn more about SPC

Summer Workshops

Undergraduate college students get hands-on training with marine technologies including sonar, sensor, ROV’s, and more during can marine technology summers workshops at Northwestern Michigan College or Rutgers University. Learn more about MTS Summer Workshops

Get Published

Share your research. Submit an article to the international, peer-reviewed, Marine Technology Society JournalLearn more about Getting Published

Stay Informed

Stay up to date on what’s going on in the world of marine technology through the peer-reviewed MTS Journal, Currents, and news and feature stories on our website. Learn more about MTS Publications